Karen Watson
Film & Animation
Creative Communications
Memoirs & Auto-Biographies - Written, spoken or video keepsakes. Preserving memories for future generations.

Celebrate your own life, pay tribute to a loved one, or simply record the success story of your business, with a uniquely personal memoir that keeps your story alive for generations to come.
No matter what your age or status in life, everyone has a uniquely interesting and valuable story to tell that has the potential to inspire,
delight and inform new generations - and it’s never too soon or too late to preserve it (please see the 'Moving Memoir' above). You don’t have to be a celebrity to have your memoirs recorded and you don’t have to publish them if you don't want to.

Karen Watson’s Memoir Service provides one of the fastest, easiest and most certain ways of recording the story you want to tell, ensuring your valuable memories don't get lost in the ether, as so many do.
Creating a memoir as a lasting legacy for future generations, or as a potential source of comfort for those left behind, is something many people want to do, but so often their stories go untold due to lack of time, difficulty writing and organising their thoughts, not knowing where to start, or how to keep the momentum up until the project is finished.
With several memoir packages to choose from - Written, Audio or Video Memoirs - you can be sure that you and your loved ones will never be just a photograph, instead your story will have a vivid life of it's own.
Choose from the packages below and then contact: info@karenwatsonfilmandanimation.com
giving your name, location, telephone number and a brief idea of the kind of memoir you require and we will get back to you.

Package 1(A) AUDIO MEMOIR - (In Person)
Prices start at £160. This price is for the recording and editing of a standard 3 hour face-to-face interview session in your own environment, providing you are based within a 50 mile radius of Harrogate.
If you are based more than 50 miles from Harrogate, but you would still like a face-to-face interview for your memoir (which is recommended for quality), prices are increased to include travel time and petrol costs (plus possible overnight accommodation costs for the film-maker if the round trip from Harrogate exceeds 6 hours travel time).
Customers can also opt to be interviewed in Harrogate. If you would prefer this option a small conference room will be booked in advance for an additional £40.
Package 1(B) AUDIO MEMOIR - (On-line via Skype)
Prices start at £130. This price is for the recording and editing of a standard 3 hour interview session recorded via Skype or FaceTime from anywhere around the world.
Prices start at £250/£300 (Also includes Audio Memoir). This price is based on a standard 3 hour interview session either face-to-face if the customer location is within 50 miles of Harrogate or over Skype / FaceTime, if your location is over 50 miles from Harrogate.
The interview is recorded as audio then transcribed and formatted into a booklet. The booklet can also include a selection of your own personal photographs and comes with an edited AUDIO MEMOIR (as detailed in Package 1). Prices are increased dependent on your selection of paper, cover design and whether you want a booklet or a lengthier more in-depth book.
Please note: A standard 3 hour session will produce a booklet rather than a book. For a book that is greater in length and tells a more detailed story, then you may wish to consider extra interview sessions. Prices for a book can range up to approximately £2000.
Contact the film-maker for a quote. Prices range from £1500 upwards.
Final Delivered Product will be a Video Memoir (duration approximately 30 minutes in length) plus a 2-2.5 hour Audio Memoir from the original footage.
Video Memoirs take at least 6 hours to film. They are initially based on a 3 hour face-to-face interview session and then another 3 hours to film memorabilia, photos and other items relevant to the memories you talk about in the interview. .
Video Memoirs are dependent on the customer feeling comfortable being filmed on-camera and also on the availability of personal photos, memorabilia and any other items that you have to help illustrate the memories you are talking about. These items must be accessible at the time of filming and you must have permission for the film-maker to film them if you do not own copyright.
After filming, the film-maker will then take the footage away for editing and produce a video that is approximately 30 minutes in length, selecting the best parts to tell your story on video.
The film-maker will also supply you with the full original Audio footage from the interview session with the questions edited out.
Prices vary for this service dependant on your location, and whether you require other footage such as animated sequences or other documentation to be created by the film-maker to illustrate or re-enact the memory.
Please Note:
All memoir packages are based on an initial Audio Interview (or Video Interview for Video Memoirs), and for quality reasons, a face-to-face interview in a quiet room at the customer’s base is recommended. Customers can also opt to be interviewed at premises arranged by the film-maker in Harrogate if preferred.
However, for customers who would prefer to have their interview recorded over Skype or Facetime due to distance, cost, or availability, please be aware that these recordings will likely be of a lesser quality than face-to-face interviews and the film-maker bears no responsibility for this.
A standard session lasting 3 hours is usually enough for a memoir that gives a fairly general account of a person’s life or story of a business. However, if you require a more in-depth memoir that explains your story and experiences in greater detail, then you may need to consider more than a one-off 3 hour session.
The standard 3 hour session consists of a 2.5 hour recorded interview and 30 minutes prior to the recording to go over the content you wish to talk about, so the interviewer/film-maker can prepare questions to prompt you. You will also be asked via email to provide an idea of the areas of your life that you wish to cover in advance of the interview.
Prices quoted include the costs of a memory stick and/or CD if requested, (plus SD cards and a DVD if requesting a video memoir) and Postage and Packing of one copy of the final Memoir in whichever format you have requested (Written, Audio or DVD). Files can also be transferred via WeTransfer or Dropbox if preferred.
Please note: The film-maker makes every effort to give customers the best idea of how the service works and the prices involved in advance which few other sites that offer these kinds of services do. However, please be aware that costs are dependant on your final requirements and location.