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Rag doll character from the live-action / animation tale 'Sweet Heart by Karen Watson©NFTS, cinematography Lynne Ramsay
'Annie' from the Sharpest Witch Children's film (storyboard image) by Karen Watson (film©Kelloggs)
Sweet Heart by Karen Watson © NFTS (Image of Natasha Humphrey (Image credit /cinematography Lynne Ramsay)
Girl child made of feathers and bandages from BAFTA nominated 'Daddy's Little Bit of Dresden China'.
Pub scene, discussing social myths surrounding domestic violence - Animated film 'Daddy's Little Bit of Dresden China'.

From humorous children’s animation to dark, psychological adult fiction and documentary, music video and business promos, Karen Watson’s film and video-making spans a range of different genres and media, and employs a variety of styles and techniques.

Working across different sectors: commercial, corporate, independent and non-commercial, Karen Watson Film and Animation combines the filmmaker’s considerable experience in film, animation and television programme-making to tell compelling stories - and now, to also help businesses and individuals get their message across to the wider world.

Specialising in creative communications, Karen Watson produces a variety of inspiring work on many different topics. In television, she has covered: arts, culture and entertainment, food and cookery, and gardening - while as an independent filmmaker, tackling more difficult societal issues and taboo subjects; some of which are mentioned below. (Please click on the titles to go through to each film's page for more info and video clips, or go to films on the menu bar for a dropdown list of all Karen's films).

Daddy’s Little Bit of Dresden China - A BAFTA nominated and multi-award-winning animated film that uses a variety of stop-motion animation techniques including: 2D drawn and collage animation, 3D model animation and scratched film to explore the abuse of power within the family home.


The Sharpest Witch - A prize-winning children’s animated film, made as part of the Kellogg's Magic Mirror Animation Competition, and voiced by the award-winning actress Miranda Richardson. The film employs the classic 'Hansel & Gretel' fairytale narrative to create a modern day re-working, focusing on the impact of technology and consumerism on the environment. 


Sweet Heart - A dark, psychological rites of passage fairytale, with cinematography by the award-winning filmmaker, Lynne Ramsay. The film mixes live-action and 3D model animation to explore women’s body issues and the eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia - telling the story of a young girl’s difficult relationship with food and her changing body as she becomes a woman. 

Karen Watson Film & Animation is currently developing several projects focusing on health and the environment.


Slide show images from Karen Watson's films

Multi-layered cut-outs on glass. Animated pub scene high-lighting social myths and prejudices - from Daddy's Little Bit of Dresden China.

Sweet Heart - Animation/Live-action fairytale by Karen Watson ©NFTS (image credit/cinematography Lynne Ramsay)

To commission a short film, video, animation, business promo, or script, please contact:

Image from 'Sweet Heart' - Live-action and 3D model animation - fiction film - 19 minutes duration.

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